A few days ago (literally) I came up with a very random idea to create this website... and heres the result...
Take a look at
Have a little read through it so you understand what its all about
Also if you want to help out please feel free to sign up for a free hit counter and place it on your websites. More options to come soon though
how many sites do you have up and running right now
The Royal Ram
Great site, Py. <_<
Your all welcome to help out if you want by placing either a normal or an invisible counter on your websites
The Royal Ram
If the user has 56k internet, they will have a dynamic IP address, meaning a new one is assigned every time they start up.
If they have broadband, chances are that the person visiting the site will have a static IP address, which remains the same even if they reboot and hardly changes unless they do something like overhauling their networking gear or chaning ISP's.
If everyone had a static address, this would actually work really well since it'd only log the user once.
I suppose you could set a cookie on the users system, but then there's the whole cookie deletion, multiple browser and / or cookie blocking issue to consider (blargh, minor legal training leads to use of "and / or" too much).
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!
Would be cool to see how many uniques/hits the counter has in 1 years time...
The Royal Ram
A subdomain such as counter.devdreams.com would be sufficient and much less expencive.
I suppose it is mainly for fun though, and although there's masses of free counter services available, yours may have some use considering that many, such as those provided by bravenet, are awful.
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!
I would put a Google Advert at the top of each of the sites pages (only 5 pages:)) and within a year the chances of me getting equal to or more than the cost of the domain ($8.88) are extremely high... So in my view I havent lost anything...
I also plan to expand it a little so people have can two types of counters - unique and just hits... also maybe graphical counters...
But in the end it all comes down to a fun project
The Royal Ram
pointless really
I know some lesser services don't assign a static IP, but more often than not, they just use a static IP since the connection is always there, even if the computer is turned off (the ASDL modem stays connected, so as long as you can access that, you're set to go).
My point is still valid though since if everyone had a static IP, mapping users accurately would be a trivial task (use PHP to get the users IP, check for it in the DB and if it isn't logged, insert an entry for it).
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!
The Royal Ram