CAn Any One Tell Me ?

saqib389saqib389 BeginnerLink Clerk
Hello every one
is there any way that when my site loads these information comes that how much

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Waiting for hopefull response


  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    What exactly do you want to do?

    Do you want to display those bits of information? If yes then some can be done with a simple counter ( and some which all depend on what user management script if any youve got in place...

    Explain more...

    The Royal Ram

  • NuvoNuvo Forum Leader VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    In order to put a count of how many visitors have visited a page, you need to either code a hit counter in something like PHP, or you'd want to use something like a pre-made hit counter (python mentioned his).
    If you want to hadd a "who's online" feature, you'd need to get people to register using a members system.
    This is how forums do it, if you're registered and online, the forum will show that you're online, otherwise you appear as a guest.
    I'm not 100% on the members online thing, but in order to implement your own hit counter, you'd need to het the users IP address and log it to a database so you can search for it, meaning you don't log it as unique more than once.
    PHP, CSS, XHTML, Delphi, Ruby on Rails & more.
    Current project: CMS Object.
    Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
    Release date: NEVER!!!
  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    its not a counter as such just use the code from vb or phpbb and paste it onto your site
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