Multiple domain name website hosting

Multiple domain name website hosting

Host your web site with and get a free domain name and free setup.

7.00 a month gets you 2,000mb of space
200 gigs of bandwidth
free domain name and free setup
Host up to 10 domain names on this account without paying more.
Cpanel WHM reseller control panel.
PHP CGI Unlimited MYSQL databases
Unlimited email addresses
GD SSH Fantastico Curl Perl
Automatic installation of the following scripts included.

PHP nuke
Post Nuke
Shopping carts and much more.


  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    Do you have an uptime guarantee?

    The Royal Ram

  • danielneridanielneri WP V.I.P. VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    why a dot org

    its not nonprofit...
  • NuvoNuvo Forum Leader VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    Devdreams is a community, not a company, so why would it have a .com doman...
    The whole domain system went to hell ages ago, which is why everyone thought it was stupid to bring in .xxx domains.

    The lack of an uptime guarantee (you say you have 99% uptime on your about page, but I could say my hair is naturally blue... it doesn't mean it really is), the odd plan naming system (I'd think bronze / silver / gold or something like that would be more logical), the low quality of the site and the templates which look like they came from some random free templates site (seriously, if they were designed by you, I'd suggest using one since the site looks pretty poor).

    You can get more space and bandwidth for your money from other hosts who don't seem like resellers.
    PHP, CSS, XHTML, Delphi, Ruby on Rails & more.
    Current project: CMS Object.
    Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
    Release date: NEVER!!!
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