To XBox or not to XBox?

PythonPython Forum LeaderThe Royal RAM
I am so tempted to get an XBox 360 - im just not sure if its the right thing...

Cast your vote and post options...

The Royal Ram


  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    Download the FREE, OPENSOURCE, Multiplayer, online, 3D tank game that is BZFLAG!
    Should be a blast on your system with 2 monitors! ;)
  • NuvoNuvo Forum Leader VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    Do not buy a 360 yet.
    Though I have one and enjoy some of the games on it, I'd have to say that you'd be better off waiting untill some better games come out.
    Project Gotham nearly melted by my eyes and it's quite fun so long as you don't want to modify cars or anything.
    NFS: Most Wanted is good, but it's also available on older platforms.
    Being the gamer I am, I got hold of dead or alive 4 before it's UK release and I have been playing it on a stock EU premium console, but to be honest, it's very poor.
    The combat is unbalanced (hey, they can teleport!?!), the story mode is laughable and although the environment and character models are well built, the game engine seems rushed and this leads to some really irritating clipping problems (it's not great to see people's hair go through their heads, or to see you get hit while you have your leg in their face).

    Once some better games like Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Dead Rising come out, it'd be a bit better.

    Typing from linux (finally) by using Knoppix of all things :P
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  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    Ok... well today before I even read your messages posted here... I went into town with some friends during college... and bought an Xbox 360 :D

    Its great. At the moment Ive only got need for speed most wanted though... Great game :D

    The Royal Ram

  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    Ive got to say though... I am having second thoughts about buying it.... it is a lot of money just to play games...

    The Royal Ram

  • NuvoNuvo Forum Leader VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    I currently have Kameo, NFS: Most Wanted, Project Gotham 3, Dead or Alive 4 and Perfect Dark Zero as well as a VGA kit and a spare wireless controller.
    Did you get a premium or core system?
    Core owners are losing out in my opinion as the wireless controller is one of the best controllers I have ever used and a HDD is pretty much required as you need one for xbox games and downloading stuff from LIVE will fill memory packs quickly.
    I have yet to aquire a wireless kit, so I haven't taken it online yet, but I will do when I get one (360 accessories are hard to come by, even from the shop near me which is called 360 Games (lol) and the vga kit I did obtain is a madcatz one, bit it works).
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  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    Ok... some of you will think Im crazy some of you will think I made the right choice...

    I no longer own an Xbox 360...

    Basically I sold it 4 hours after I bought it... For the exact same price I paid... to someone who has a regular income as well as the fact hs wanted one since they came out - my brother :D

    Im seeing him tomorrow to hand it over

    The Royal Ram

  • NuvoNuvo Forum Leader VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    here's only one game I'm really looking forward to at the moment and that's on the PC anyway.

    My 360 hasn't been on in a while as there's simply too few games at the moment (they don't really start coming out till next month).
    At least it's not as bad as the PSP... I don't even play on that thing now, my dad uses it more than I do as no good new games have been released recently.
    If you sold it to your brother, at least you keep the cash and can play on it from time to time :P
    PHP, CSS, XHTML, Delphi, Ruby on Rails & more.
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    Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
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