I am about to undertake a fairly big web project which will probably consume most of my time during the summer.
I was just wondering how you lot manage your sites, im looking at creating a admin panel for my site as its with php but i've never done this before because i normally dont update my content enough to do it.
So if any body has or use an admin panel for there webiste, could you possibly post screenshots and information about what its capable of doing.
I know this must be a very busy time for you trying to get your sites up and running again, but i'm curious to know how you manage DevDreams and TutorialDash?
PS: Good luck getting your sites up and running again.
Ive attached a screenshot of the admin panel for DevDreams... As you can see ive used the same design as used for the site...
The Royal Ram
Anybody else?
Basically though, it'll be handling creation of new posts and managment of existing posts and categories that are already stored in a database.
When I code such things in PHP (which is pretty rare, I admit), they usually handle the same kinds of things (like how a web directory would have to manage categories and links within them), but I know more PHP than RoR, so I usually use my own formatting engine designs rather than something like textile which I'm currently using.
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!
Adult Section Leader :cool:
Image 1:
Blog \ news \ posts \ whatever manager.
To your left you will see a list of existing posts with their info and actions including publishing options and previewing.
To your right you will see a preview of a post, which is a rendered version (what you see on the site) of the post, which is actually using textile markup.
This uses AJAX to get around page reloading.
If you look straight ahead, you'll see the edge of the cliff we're about to fall o...
Image 2:
The post editor.
This lets users edit posts (O RLY?) which can use textile markup for formatting and which can have tags and comments.
Posts can be saved as draft documents, meaning they don't get published on the site, but don't get deleted when you tire of writing.
The right hand section contains a list of javascript powered tag creation buttons for a number of common content items such as bold text, links and images as well as acronyms, block quotes, and CSS styled spans.
Images have the option of being inserted as links, so there's none of that annyoying tag nesting of bbcode.
I need to learn more JS though as wrapping tags around selected text and inserting tags at the cursor would be better (but to be honest, I wrote most of the JS the editor uses without any knowlage of the language, which is pretty weird).
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!
Any way it looks great.
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While it's capable of creating blogs, it also allows for the creation of content outside of that whih Blogger or other services would allow such as pages containing custom content that's made using Textile, Markdown or HTML markup.
Also, not many blogging systems use Textile or Markdown for formatting, but this uses both.
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!