Help Please

coolhomecoolhome Junior MemberShared Hoster
Well im making my site with DIV tags. Well it all works fine in IE but not Firefox.

As u can see it overlays the stuff xD

And i was remaking it
Not getting anywhere can anyone like help me recode it please. Its driving me nuts xD I asked many ppl but that dont know how to use div / css xD

God please help me

Thank You


  • AeriffAeriff Junior Member Shared Hoster
    Hm, For a second I was going to say that I couldnt see the problem, but then I clicked the Tutorial, lol. I think your problem is that you have a set height for your 'content' div of your site. If you maybe could try setting it to 100% height in your css? I am never good with this problem, I can never fix it properly lol.
  • coolhomecoolhome Junior Member Shared Hoster
    Aeriff wrote:
    Hm, For a second I was going to say that I couldnt see the problem, but then I clicked the Tutorial, lol. I think your problem is that you have a set height for your 'content' div of your site. If you maybe could try setting it to 100% height in your css? I am never good with this problem, I can never fix it properly lol.
    I done that. It fix'z tutorial viewing but then pages with less content the copyright its not under menu / content xD
  • AeriffAeriff Junior Member Shared Hoster
    Well maybe you can keep trying different methods, and if all else fails, just use a seperate css file for the tutorials/other pages. But definitely try and fix it first, using 2 css files can get annoying because you have to include a different stylesheet every time.
  • coolhomecoolhome Junior Member Shared Hoster
    Thats a thought but im just going to keep trying. If there is no way I or someone else cant ill be using tables xD. I just switched a couple of days. Im tired of tables.
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