Grid Project
The aim of the grid project is to interconnect websites of the same type. Grid project is not a directory of websites. Instead it is an intermediary between webmasters, providing their sites with a boost in traffic and greater interaction with other websites/communities of the same kind. The grid project has only just begun so there is no definite way of proving that it works. Doesn't hurt to try right?
How does it work?
Webmasters place a small (or big) grid made up of small 75px by 25px images on their website. The images in the grid represent other randomly selected websites of the same category. When a visitor views a page containing the grid or follows a link in one of the images, that website's ranking goes up (the website containing the grid).
Ok so for example lets say we have website A and website B. Website A contains a grid made up of 30 images, one of which links to website B. The visitor on website A clicks on this link and ends up at website B. The view/click is recorded (to prevent spam) and the ranking for Website A goes up. The big trick here now is that the next time the grid on website B is refreshed, a link to website A will appear in grid B (although this is based upon time between the click on A and refresh on

What are rankings?
Rankings determine how often a website appears on other grids. Using a special formula I have created, a website will earn more ranking based upon its grid's views, clicks, grid size (smaller grid size means less ranking), time between each access and more..

The way it works is very simple. Once you have successfully registered you need to place a small piece of code into your webpages. Your webpage will now display images, automatically affiliating you with websites of the same kind (computer games, literature etc).
Note: This is very new and still in BETA, which is why I am only advertising to the minority here at Dev Dreams. Report any errors/bugs you find to me through PM for now and I will fix asap. This also means for new people registering it may take some time before seeing any results (or even for your grid to appear). So give it a little while.
But how does that help you? Well the more unique views and outgoing hits your grid gets, it will help your ranking go up, which in turn raises your chances of being shown on other website's grids. So mainly it helps to boost your traffic and raise communication with websites of the same kind.
Ok so your opinions please. - Grid Project. (Registration form further down page).
Also you can view
top 50 ranked websites for different categories.
It's kind of like taking MillionDollarHomepage, using sane sizes for the images and not charging for it, which makes it pretty cool.
It sounds to me like a blind affiliate system since you don't distinctly choose what sites are rotated, but the category system keeps it fromdisplaying unrelated content (Programming on Sports pages, for example).
I looked at your topic on this at (straight copy and pasted to here since you call the place you're posting GW here) and it seems to be a popular idea.
I don't have a site at the moment but when (and if) I do, it'll be built with Ruby on Rails (because I already have a fully functioning blogging system built with it), but since you're using JavaScript tricks, I think it'll load up alright.
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!
I will be coding user panels so that people can make more changes to their grid such as ranking (sites must have a certain ranking in order to appear on said grid), their main image and grid version (text based and image based).
And this will always be free like anything I develop.
Very fascinating Felix! Can you provide the URL of a site that contains a "grid" so we can test it out?
Two sign ups at the moment (one is a test.) - My website. Few the grid in the SOME IMPROVEMENTS section for now (Will move it later). - A test account!
I also get the MDHP vibe from this, but much improved, not just a link farm. Nice improvements!
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The grid here on this site doesn't seem to be working correctly (help us out Felix) but you can find the grid link on the bottem left of this forum.
Well, it sure looks nice, the website that is.:)