So in one hour I will be having the first meeting in my life with a Venture Capitalist who might be interested in funding some of my internet dreams.
I have no idea at all if he will be interested or not, but it got me thinking, I bet there are many Venture Capital groups out there to present business plans to. How do you guys feel about using Venture Capital for your startups? Do you mind that you will loose some control over your startup?
Have some of you sought Venture Funding before?
1. make sure you have enough autonomy stated clearly in the contract to run your sites after they buy in - this is one of the biggest pitfalls...
2. make sure you keep majority share of your ventures
3. if you don't 'desperately' need the money, don't sell cheap
good luck...
Thanks Daboss. It was a good meeting with the result being: more discussion to occur.
after they understand, then they'd negotiate terms with you... sometimes it's better to wait until you've got a solid and proven result - they'd be desperate to get you in instead of the other way around...