Main DIR CGI enabled?

PythonPython Forum LeaderThe Royal RAM
Ive noticed on one or two sites that their pages are done using cgi. Now this to me is very weird. Becuase for cgi to work it needs to be in a special directory, which is usually called cgi-bin. But these sites. do thay just place the pages in their cgi-bin and then do some sort of cover up on the url to make it look like the main dir, or do they actually somehow enable the main dir to be able to execute cgi?

Im confused, lol. Unless of course they just directed their domain straight into their cgi-bin but that just seem stupid.

The Royal Ram


  • kinkkink serious member VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    your question confuses me but, the cgi bin isnot accesible by any but the ppages with the proper code you should never see a bin being displayed on a web page
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