Anyone Use C++?

deadfingersdeadfingers Senior MemberThe Royal RAM
Im deciding to quit learning PHP and start C++ seeing as how im going into game design, im just learning the basics right now like how to input stuff and return stuff and arrays and strings and watnot, so does anyone else know or learning C++ right now? wats the best compiler? im using Dev-C++5 right now but thinking of getting Borland. anyways let me know.


  • martian2k4martian2k4 Llama Hunter Moderator
    borland is goodi have it but never use it. Its a good program though :D
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    Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    i know c++ very well - it used to be my bread and butter.

    firstly, i'd like to say that c++ and php are totally different - so i don't think you can use c++ to replace php - one is a fat client development language and the other a server-side scripting language. bottom line is that you shouldn't quit php if you think you can replace it with c++.

    about compilers - if you're doing coding in a text editor and then need to compile it for a uniz/linux machin, i'd suggest the gnu compiler. if you're writing windows programs (which you should if you're writing gaming stuff), then you should get a microsoft c++ compiler (cum editor, linker, etc.) forget about borland...
  • martian2k4martian2k4 Llama Hunter Moderator
    daboss wrote:
    you shouldn't quit php if you think you can replace it with c++.

    I think Dead fingers isn't trying to replace PHP with C++ i think he just wants to learn it for game design andhe doesn't want to atempt to learn two languages at once :D
    Free MySpace Layouts- Coming soon
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    Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
  • martian2k4martian2k4 Llama Hunter Moderator
    lmao :D
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    Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    hahahah didnt even have to reply to this but yeah PHP is web type language and its great but its not really gonna help much if im doing game design ;) but yeah alright kew i guess ill try to get MS C++, some ppl told me borland is great for the features it has. Also idk if most or all are free but im looking for the best free one out there (the compiler i mean) so alright thats kew. C++ is pretty damn fun, way more interesting than PHP ;)
  • wrongforumwrongforum Beginner Link Clerk
    If its like a 3D game try DarkBasic, but other C++ is good, im also learning it, i use Visual C+++ (good for making windows programs)
  • kinkkink serious member VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    c++ is a b**** i got a ms studio best i ever did c++ wise was a typewrier and thats done in auto
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    hmm is anyone here fluent in C++ yet? im getting pretty good wit it, learning a good amount. Im Using bloodshed dev-C++ version 5. yeah C++ can be a b**** to learn and use but way better than any other coding i know of. Visual C++ is like sorta like Dreamweaver for C++ no? i liked to know the actual code than to have it do it for me so heh.
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    ...Visual C++ is like sorta like Dreamweaver for C++ no? i liked to know the actual code than to have it do it for me so heh.

    nah, it's not like dreamweaver at all...

    you code with ansi c/c++ for mostly applications without a gui, e.g. engines. data crunching, claculations, etc...

    you would use ms c++ for developing windows applications - you can obviously still use ms c/c++ for the "non-gui" programs but that's not what it's intended for...
  • method_manmethod_man Beginner Link Clerk
    How can i learn c++ i looked at some tutorials and most of them started off with realy confuzing stuff. i need a C++ guide for idiots lol. where can i find one :D

  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    lol check your PM, oh and youll see lots of "Hello World" tutorials. gl man
  • method_manmethod_man Beginner Link Clerk

  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    method_man wrote:
    How can i learn c++ i looked at some tutorials and most of them started off with realy confuzing stuff. i need a C++ guide for idiots lol. where can i find one :D

    mm, if you are serious about c/c++, you should invest in a proper book. the tutorials are ok, but it's hardly serious reading. i would suggest one of the beginner's programming books on c/c++ - shouldn't cost much...
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    i gotta agree with him there, unlike web coding C/C++ is better learned through books. Online tutorials are great but dont compare to the books, im investing in some soon, method_man go to that forum and youll find a sticky with lots of good C/C++, .net, C# etc etc books. Theres even one called "Learn C++ in 24hrs" or something like that. depending on the book you get it may vary in cost id say a good 50-60 will get you a pretty good book, i went to barnes and noble and thats wat a pretty good C/C++ book runs so gl man.
  • ayushsinhalayushsinhal Junior Member Shared Hoster
    is this the standard defination
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