
jmcjmc Senior MemberThe Royal RAM
what do you al think about me running a real nice free host that only involves u to add a link to your page and click on some banners maybe????


  • rallyfanrallyfan Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    can you explain yourself in more details.
    for the sake of old times!

  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    note to jmc: it is not a good idea to offer a hosting srvice if you firstly want them to click on some banners for you. most banner advertiser clients wouldnt like this therefore it would be against the rules.

    The Royal Ram

  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    Yeah, you would basically be paying them to click...
  • jmcjmc Senior Member The Royal RAM
    well i dont really care about the banners much anyways that was just an idead i dont have any anyways! but i started it check it out!!

    www.chelf-hosting.com hook you up!!!! :)
  • rallyfanrallyfan Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    can i have a free host i can use it for my projects then.
    for the sake of old times!

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