Wow, you learn something new everyday. Since both xPure and Piet are from the Netherlands (what sections of the Netherlands are you from?), in my mind I was thinking, cool, I had never met someone from Holland before. Boy was I wrong. I googled Holland and learned that it is only one section of the Netherlands.
In fact, according to the article I read, people from some parts fo the Netherlands (Limburg and Noord Brabant) will even get mad at you if you say they are from Holland because of the history of conflict between the areas as well as the Protestant(Holland)versus Catholic(Limburg and Noord Brabant) divide.
According to the article, "...anti-Holland sentiment remains in much of the same way as many Dixie Southerns disdain the Yankee north (United States)."
The sad thing I learned was that Belgium and the Netherlands were historically one nation and were ripped apart by a war brought on by the then King of Spain.
Do some in Belgium and the Netherlands think the two nations should ever reunite? Do you think they ever will?
Okay, I'm from one of those 2 parts you mentioned, Limburg. It's not that hard anymore, that we get mad if you say we're from Holland, I say it myself as many people only know the country "Holland" and mistake "The Netherlands" as a little country above the UK.
As for Belgium and the Netherlands: they'll probably never get reunited, just because of the differences and the grudges they have against eachother. Belgium is made of 2 parts (actually 3, but the 3'd one can be forgotten actually): a Dutch and a French part. The "Dutch Belgians >> Vlamingen (from Vlaanderen) can't stand the Dutch and visa versa. Too bad...
Hope this helped you a little Deluxe. If you have any question at all, go ahead and ask ^^.
- xPureNLx
Thanks xPure
Why don't the Dutch Belgians and the Dutch like each other?
Also, here in the U.S., when two people go to a restaurant together, one of them often pays for both (usually the guy pays for the girl everytime or they'll swicth the next time they go).
If both peole split the bill and pay for their own meal, we call that "Dutch Treat." Why do you think they call it that?
The "Dutch threat", easy: we Dutchies (=P) are known for our economical way of life. They say we always watch our own money, even if it is for our girl- or boyfriend. This used to be true though, it's something from the old days.
edit: My posted question was already answered =P
edit 2:
Dutch people about Belgian people:
We always say they're stupid, stupid like: "not-smart" "amateurs" "idiots".
Belgian people about Dutch people:
They are always talking about our economical way of life, like we never spend money =P
EDIT: What I mean is that they would be a stronger economic rival to the Germans.
Even if another Hitler (actually Austrian) did come along (Arnold Shwartsinwotsit?), no doubt the U.S. and UK governments would nuke them before they got anywhere near WWII standards.
I'll give it to Hitler though, he knew how to commit suicide with the poison pills, head shooting and having himself burned after his death... (though part of his skull was still found and is held in the Red Square Museum in Russia)
I work with someone who claims to have lived in Holland for a few years, but if this is true or not, I do not know (they talk so much garbage where I work that it's hard to tell what's true and what isn't anymore... I'm also losing my will to live as I'm one of 2 people there that actually speaks English to an understandable level as the others are Indian and Czech and either have no knowledge of our language, or are very poor speakers... Handy when you're moving chemicals which can blind you and carry safety warnings :[).
One of the engineers where I work used to go to Amsterdam something like twice a year for, erm, obvious reasons.
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!
- xPureNLx
he is doing quit a research
As he is from the US, what usefull information would we find about it which we don't know yet. The US is in our media daily (I read papers and I sometimes watch the news..) and both my mother and my sister visited the US recently.
One question though: is anyone of you planning on visiting the Netherlands sometime?
Straight answer related to the US: Yes, I'm planning to visit the US in a short period.
- xPureNLx
and you are right the usa is covered well in the media.
i like to visit the usa to.
We hope to for sure take a swing throgh England while we're there and visit Moddy and Nuvo, LOL. I wish I could visit the Netherlands and the rest of Europe but I think we will not have enough time on this trip, it will have to be in the future.
xPure, where will you visit when you come? What cities and states will you go to? If you or any of you are in Boston, I'd love to show you around the city.
I'm planning to visit a few states, some in the West and some in the East, but first I'll visit China, I like the Asian building style =P. Boston, it's in the North-East, right?
- xPureNLx
China! That is very exciting! I've always wanted to go there. Will you see if you can learn some Chinese before you go?
Yup, Boston is in the North East of the U.S. where it's getting colder by the day
I'll probably visit New York for a few days, I might accidentily visit Boston too, I'll let you know .
- xPureNLx