I have a domain I no longer use, if it's of use to you then first person to reply to this thread that has a use for it then PM me your namecheap username and it will be pushed to your account. The domain expires next year but it could be used for testing applications that need a domain and you don't want to waste money on another domain.. Do what you want with it...
Expires: Tue 01/30/2007
[+] JSlane Hosts
Man they even give domains for free.lol
realy thanks.
[+] JSlane Hosts
Not used to getting things for free.
Or you have to do contests or posting.
but free, no never had anything for free.
Yes now, thanks John.
- xPureNLx
It would be more like what didt someone else created out of it.
And me as the proud owner will show it of here.lol
Maybe in a mounth of 6 i will have the balls to show my first made website here.