Alright guys i have completely redesigned Viper Creations!
I plan to stick on this design, so if you have an issue with it you can go **** yourself.

just kidding, i'd love to hear your criticism on it, please!
I've switched designs oh i dunno how many times, but i love this one!
Tell me what you think! (registering at my humble forums wouldn't hurt either

Guessing by your post I'm assuming you got this for free?
Where can I find similar top quality designs?(i promise not to use the same on
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I would like to see a, "About" link with some info/history about Viper Creations. The thing I'm missing when I get to this site is the meat of it. Something to answer this question, "What is Viper Creations all about?" "What can Viper Creations do for me?"
Is it your design firm Daniel?
How did you know he started from a free design Tony by the way?
<!-- Hello, this is from the view source because I am too much of a nerd to be doing interesting things. -->
I like the look of the site even if 3 column layouts are an endangered thing these days.
It works pretty well in FireFox 1.5.x on a 1024x768 resolution screen, but at lower resolutions or in small screen mode, it doesn't fare so well as it's not a fluid template (if you're on such a low resolution, all I can say is "HA! BUY A NEW MONITOR!" and if you're using a phone or PSP to surf the net, you need mental help).
The code could do with a quick scrub as well as it has 21 Tidy warnings which could be easily sorted by remembering to use & for ampersands in URL's and by not having empty tags such as <h1></h1> (if this is required, a comment will get around this being an issue
Also, if you're using XHTML 1.0 Strict as your DTD, slashes are required in meta tags to close them.
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!
im in the process of sorting that out so i can remove the copyright. for now i don't care, i just wanna get the site going
however, nuvo, in ie6 it looks horrible the news is all messed up. There still are a few things to fix, though thanks for your kind words guys.
man, for a second i was wondering where the hell you got that Hello this is from the view source bit then i got it
i'll try and fix the validation errors soon
thanks guys!
WWWC Photoshop & Bryce Tutor
Founder of TWInc
Profession: KMA
I am not a purple people eater
Deluxe i'll add an about section asap
One thing: I would change the fonts to Tahoma or Verdana.It looks more professional
- xPureNLx
and i can care less if they recognize the template or not, if i provide good enough content thats good enough for me
ok i added an about page.
will that suffice?
also i started adding some tutorials to pixel2life. after a few mins as #2 on their homepage, i received over 70 unique visitors!
man im so happy!!
Much better!
Who's your 2nd man, the designer?
Never ever be dishonest, but there is certain things you don't have to disclose in Viper Creation's history, like I would not include:
"Viper Creations originally opened the week of the 16th of October, back in 2005. We stayed open for about two months, and then decided to redesign and closed up for almost 9 months."
I might change that to:
"Viper Creations first opened in October'05. Since that time we have been taking on challenging projects and honing our skills. We are an energetic and enthusiastic team. Contact us for a free price quote on something we can do for you.{@}
its similar to things like visualdesigncore, greycobra, etc.
and yeah the 2nd man is my best bud, he does all my graphics for me. works great ey?
Tell your desinger buddy to get off his tucas and start making you a custom site :rofl:
so i just got a free one
also, should i still keep the about section?
Yup. I coundn't figure out what the site was about so keep the about section but change the about to describe what the site is (Tutorial Community, or whatever you want to call it).
I'd still get rid of the thing about took you 9 months to get it back up. No one needs to know that and it might reflect poorly. Give yourself good press