Well, I'm drawing this anime-character for my girlfriend, but I don't exactly know what I should add,
here are my options:
* making her hands like a heart.
* letting her hold a heart-formed thing.
* letting her hold flowers.
Here's the picture till now. As I explained in my introduction, drawing is one of my hobbies
So, be my guest and judge my drawing and please don't forget to answer the above question.
I'm sorry about the Coded H**P, but I didn't have the exact ammount of posts to add URLs yet
[tony] sorted for you

seen as it isnt spam
[B]MSN: xPureNLx@gmail.com[/B]
Therefore I have to vote for the hands like a heart.
does she actually look like that?
Thank you, I was thinking of this one myself, but I wanted to make sure I'd make the right decision.
In all seriousness though it looks really good!
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One person voted... for the "heart-like-hands"...
My idea too, any voters?
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I'll try both (I scanned the drawing as you can see). The one which fits best I'll take. Thank you ^^