The following domains are for sale! - Min £45
It used to be a fully operational webmaster site. It received an average of about 600 uniques per month. It had just under 30 members. When operational it did have a PR of 4. This site is linked to from quite a few other PR 3 sites and was listed in many major search engines. - Min £10
Currently being temporarily used by rally fan. This site has a PR of 2 and once had a PR of 3. It can be used for a general/all category based site or it can be used as a specific use just like rally fan has. Note to rally fan: If you want to keep this domain you will have to buy it off me because currently I am paying for it. - Min £20
Used to be a fully functioning community where people could come and relax. It had a PR of 4 when it wa soperating. It received an average of about 400 monthly uniques. This is a great domain for setting up a community.
Also once you have purchased the domain I will link to you directly from and for two months for free. This will help get the PR back up and begin receiving regular traffic.
PM me if interested - maybe we could even swap domains
ill pm u about it later
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try not to give it away intill next week and then you will 100% have your money i can give you a deposit or something
Host Assessment | Tetris | Blog | Great Big Blog
Buy Video Games | Nathan
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100USD is usually around £60, so £100 is usually about 166.66USD
The Royal Ram
Host Assessment | Tetris | Blog | Great Big Blog
Buy Video Games | Nathan
Video Game Cheats Hints Codes | Click Joke | Game Livewire
so is anyone interested in the domains? or should i ask on other forums too(woops i already done that)
The Royal Ram
The Royal Ram
it is a good name though and in the right place i reckon you would get more than £45 for it
ill see if i know anybody that will buy it if you havnt already sold it
The Royal Ram
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The Royal Ram