My First (Almost)Completed Ajax Project

phpnutphpnut Junior MemberShared Hoster
I just finished the bulk of my first ajax project... an article viewing and rating system. I'd appreciate it if you'd take it for a spin and tell me about any browser incompatibilities. You'll need to create an account... which is quick, free and i promise i wont spam you! When you log in, click on Articles on the side and search under "andrew". Then, on the results page, when you click on the article title, the article shows up on the same page with no refreshes (hens ajax). Then, you can try clicking "+Favorites" to add it to your favorites. (Clicking the green status text underneath will make it go away.). Also try clicking "Promote" and "What's this?."
Thanks for the help and I hope some of you will become active members!

I've tested it in Safari, IE, and Firefox...
My ongoing projects... *new domain*
You may also remember me as imnewtophp...


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