Your Most Embarrassing Webmaster Related Experience

What is your most embarrassing moment as a Webmaster?

In 1999, I took my very first HTML class and had to drop it becuase I got behind! :D

I made the mistake of taking it at Harvard where everyone in my class had previous HTML experience excpet for me so the teacher decided to go advanced and asked me to try to keep up. I couldn't! My classmates were geniuses and I was a Government major :lol:

In hindsight, I should taken it at an easier school.

What about your most embarrassing moment?


  • xPureNLxxPureNLx Moderator The Royal RAM
    hahaha, nice =P

    Mine? Easy:

    I work at a computer stores, we sell stuff "live" in our store, but on eBay as well. As you might know, eBay provides their users of the function "About Me". I was given the assignment to develop the "About Me" frontpage (link downstairs).

    When I finished my work, I uploaded it. I just uploaded an old design which wasn't even 20% finished =P, but I didn't notice. I called my boss and told him to take a look. He asked me if I was kidding him, so I checked it out myself. I was like: eehh :banghead: ...

    Current state (not entirely finished):

    Click here!

    - xPureNLx
  • stusangelcazstusangelcaz Member NAT Warrior
    I keep having my embarrasing moments. I write psp tutorials, and often send a friend the link in msn so they can do it before its registered (in case ive stuffed up somewhere lmao). However, i keep forgetting to upload the supplies lmao. I always get a message saying "the supplies link doesnt work". And i always feel like throwign the pc out the window.
  • BursteffectBursteffect Beginner Link Clerk
    I accidentally banned the banned the most active members on one of my forums, the whole community knew about it, and then they all left *cries*.
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