Well currently I jst have .psd file. But if u want I can slice it. Me noob at coding. And can u tell me what excatly is BIN. Sorry but I don't know its meaning. :oops:
WatchOutAdvanced UserVPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
Most of us create them ourselves, sorry. Nice work though .
My advice: upload it to some template-community where they can rate your stuff, offer it for free and get a name, so people know who you are. Later sell your improved templates.
Also, is there a BIN?
I might just bid on it...
Oh thnx.Yes if u want I m ready to sell at 15$. I can slice it for u. But coding is not my cup of tea.
My advice: upload it to some template-community where they can rate your stuff, offer it for free and get a name, so people know who you are. Later sell your improved templates.
Good luck,
- xPureNLx