Basic Blend
This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on May 1st 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me
For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - Any Version
:2 or 3 Images of your choice
Open a canvas 600 x 600, you need it nice and big so we can work on it and crop it down later.
Copy and paste your images onto your canvas, each as a new layer. Over lap the images as shown below (I've lowered the opacity on mine so you can see)
With you freehand selection tool, feather 0, anti-alias checked, draw roughly round part of one image that you want to delete Selections, modify, feather, set this 20, now press delete on your keyboard, you may have to press it a few times depending on how you have your images lined up Repeat the process with the other image
Crop your image down around the images Add any text, including tagged by info and any ?
There you have it, a basic blend
Add effects, if required
"I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams
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