Spiral Masked Beauty
This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on November 19th 2006.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. If you have any problems please contact me
For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - Any Version
:Tube of your choice
:Fonts of your choice
:My Supplies
Here [contains 2 masks]
I used the wonderful artwork of
Anthony Guerra, you will need a
CILM license to use his work
Open a new canvas 500 x 500, flood fill with white and rename Background
Add a new layer, flood fill with light color from your tube, I used ##3C85DF
Layers, New Mask Layer, From image, in the drop down box choose Corel_07_007, settings as below

Layers, Merge, Merge Group
Rename this layer Mask 1
Add a new raster layer and flood fill with a dark color from your tube
Layers, New Mask Layer, From image, in the drp down box choose Spiral Mask, settings as below

Layers, Merge, Merge Group
Lower the opacity to about 55 and rename Mask 2
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer, resize if needed
I resized mine by 85%, here are the settings

Move your tube to either the left or right
Rename this layer Tube 1
Grab your selection tool and set it to rectangle, feather 0 and anti-alias checked

Draw a rectangle across the bottom of your image

Add a new raster layer, floodfill with another dark color from your tube or balck
Selections, Select None
Duplicate this layer, then Image, Rotate 90 degree's
If your tube is on the right rotate left
If your tube is on the left rotate right

Rename the original rectangle Rectangle 1
Rename the duplicate Rectangle 2
Position your rectangle so they form a cross in the corner, as shown below
Move Rectangle 2 below rectangle 1 in the layer palette (layers, arrange, move down)
Select your magic wand - Tolerance 10, Feather 0, Anti-Alias and Contiguous both checked
Activate Rectange 2 and select inside it with your magic wand

Copy and paste your tube again as a new layer, position inside the selected area

Selections, Modify, Contract by 2 pixels
Selections, Invert, you should already be on your new tube layer, press delete on your keyboard
Selections, Select None. Lower the opcity of the new tube to around 55. Rename Tube 2
Activate Rectangle 1, select your text tool and choose a font of your choice I used Impact
Choose a color from Mask 1, not too dark but not too light either, I used #3F87E0
These are my font settings, you may need to play with the size according to your name

Write you name (I did mine in capitals, but this is your choice) use the nodes to strecth it in the box
Once you are happy, convert to raster (layers, convert to raster)
Then lower the opacity to about 48
Rename Name 1
Keep your text tool selected, but change your font, I used Bank Gothic Light
Change the color to a lighter color, I used #9DC2EF
Change the size as well I used 30
Add you name again and position where you like it
Add a drop shadow, these are the settings I used

Repeat the drop shadow but change the horizontal and vertical to -2
Rename Name 2
Add your artist copyright and tagged by info, create as vector so it goes on a new layer
Rename Copyright
Save your tag as a .jpg
Well done, all completed