Butterfly Jordan PSP (Tutorial Contest)

fiona2412fiona2412 MemberNAT Warrior

Butterfly Jordan

This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on October 5th 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me HERE

For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - any version
:Animation Shop
:Tube of your choice or mine Here Thanks to Ms Kris of PSS for allowing me to share this tube
:2 Fonts of your choice, I used Defused and Bank Gothic Light
:Bling from Nicky - Thanks Nicky for allowing me to link to your site (again lol)

Open new canvas 500 x 500, floodfill with black #000000, rename Background

Add a new raster layer
Selections, All, Modify, Contract by 25
Selections, Invert, floodfill the area with #C7C7C7
Selections, All, Modify, Contract by 23, Selections, Invert, press delete on your keyboard
Selections, All, Modify, Contract by 2, Selections, Invert, flood fill the area with #C7C7C7
Rename this layer Border

Copy and paste the misted48-kris tube as a new layer
Change the blend mode to lumiance (legacy) and lower the opacity to about 61
Rename Tube

Move your tube layer below your border layer, Layers, Arrange, Move down

Grab your text tool, font set Defused,(if you use this font please read this info Here) size 72, vector and anti-alias checked
Foreground color set to null, background set to #DBDBDB
Type out your name, stretch it out if required, place at the bottom of your image
Objects, Align, Horizontal center on canvas
Convert to raster

With your text tool still selected, choose Bank Gothic Light
Change the size to 20 and your background color to white #FFFFFF
Type out your name again and place in between the borders at the top of your image, see finished tag for reference
Objects, Align, Horizontal center on canvas
Convert to raster Duplicate again
Image, Free rotate, left 90 degrees
Duplicare again
Image, Ffree rotate, right 180 degrees

Add your tagged by info

Edit, Copy merged
Open up Animation Shop (AS)
In AS, Edit, Paste as new animation

Open your bling in animation shop, I used the butterfly one
Check how many frames your bling has, drag the slider bar all the way accross and check the F number
Duplicate your image until you have the same number of frames as the bling
Still on your image, Edit, Select all
Actiavte the bling, Edit, Select All, Edit, Copy

Back to your image
Edit, Paste into current frame
Place where you are happy, I put mine to the left side of my tube

Save as a gif file. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
"I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams

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