Depth Of Field Blend PSP (Tutorial Contest)

fiona2412fiona2412 MemberNAT Warrior

Depth of Field Blend

This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on September 19th 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me HERE

For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - Any Version
:3/4 Images of your choice or mine Here

Open a new canvas 600 x 400. Copy and paste your images each as a new layer, lower the opacity so you can line them up how you want them.
When you are lining them up decide which one you want as your main image, make sure this one is at the front

With your freehand selection tool, settings as below:
Start with one of the images, I'm using my main image, put the opactiy back up to 100 and draw around the bits of the image you want to delete
Once you have your selections drawn, Selections, Modify, Feather by 25 pixels
Selections, Invert
Selections, Modify, Feather by 10 pixels
Selections, Invert and press delete on your keyboard, you may have to press delete a few times to get the effect you want

Repeat the steps above for the rest of your images until you are happy with the look of the blend

Once you have blended your images, Edit, Copy Merged, minimise your original image for now
Edit, Paste a New Image
You will notice now you only have 1 layer instead of several
Grab your selection tool and set it rectangle, settings as below:

Draw a selection around your main image
Selections, Invert, Selections, Promote selection to layer

While still selected, Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur, set to 5
Selections, none. Lower the opacity of this layer to about 70

Edit, Copy Merged. You can close this image now we don't need it anymore.
Open your original image again, activate the top layer, Edit, Paste as new layer
Now activate your main image layer,
Layers, Arrange, Bring to top

:Step 8:
Image, Add Borders, set it to 2 pixels, make sure symmetric is checked. Choose a dark color from your image or use black like I did

Select your text tool and choose a font, I used Deluxe Ducks, settings as below:
used white for my background color, foreground was null. Stretch the text out so it covers the bottom of your image
Once happy convert to raster and change the blend mode to Soft Light

Finally, add your tagged by info and save as a jpg
"I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams

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