Midnight Illusion
This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on June 4th 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me
For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - Any Version
:Loka's 3d Shadow
:Tube & Font of your choice
HERE - Made by Mz Kels Do not change file name, visit Mz Kels' site
Open a new canvas 600 x 600, transparent. Press Print Screen (prt scr) it should be up along from F12 or around that area. Now Edit, Paste as a new image.Now crop out the excess we just want the canvas see below
Now minimise this canvas for now.
Open another canvas 600 x 600, floodfill with the Grey Accent gradient, angle and repeats set to 0, invert checked
Layers, new raster layer, Layers, Arrange, Move down. Selections, All
Go the canvas we made before with our screen shot, Edit, Copy. Back to our gradient canvas, Edit, Paste into selection. Selections, none.
Rename the gradient filled layer, Gradient and the scrrenshot filled one, Background
Lower the opacity of the gradient layer to 80
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer, rename Tube. Re-size if needed
Apply Loka's 3D Shadow, settings below
Activate your gradient layer, layers, new raster layer, floodfill this layer with black
Layers, Load/Save Mask, find 48MaskkelsWWA, with the settings below
Layers, Delete, click yes the pop up box. Layers, Merge, Group. Rename mask and lower the opacity to 65
Actiavte your Gradient layer, Effects, Plugins, Xenofex 2, Constellation, use the Star Field preset but change the Background fill to Keep original image
Grab your text tool and choose your font, Size 72 (depending) create as vector, anti-alias checked. Foreground set to null background set to a color from your image I used #EEEEEE
Add your name, strecth if required. Once happy, convert to raster, re-name Text. Lower the opacity to 75
Apply Loka's 3d shadow as in step 8
Resize image by 85%, make sure all layers IS checked and Bicubic is selected from the drop down box
Add your tagged by info and any copyright.
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