So it looks like my Christmas is coming early this year :car:
My version of Dreamweaver is pretty old so I'm getting a newer version of Macromedia Studio8 (which includes Dreamweaver). I can't tell you how excited I am to start using this! :geek:
It lists for $999.usd but I bet you can find Studio8 discounted prices for it somewhere on the net
Are many of you Stuio8 or Dreamweaver users?
As earlier mentioned, I just Macromedia Flash 8, just as a test for now, maybe I'll create a complete template later. I'm a flash beginner, I just finished my clock and preloader =P, so don't expect too much, please
- xPureNLx
I never use Dreamweaver though. For all my serious PHP coding i use Zend Studio. it's truly a work of art
Don't think I'm not keeping track of these things
Were hoping to eventually see:
1) The much anticipated ODBC Tutorial (Tutorial contest ends Sunday)
2) Your picture so we can see if you look like Brad Pitt
3) and now the clock & pre-loader
im actually waiting for the odbc tutorial also
- xPureNLx
Your a good sport xPure
Oh well, it's just a simple request
- xPureNLx
Great choice.. swift today!
WholeFiles Inc.