Rainy Day Frame
This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on June 23rd 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me
For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - Any Version
:Animation Shop
:Plugin AB 08 - wiremeshings unlimited -
:Image of your choice
:Font of your choice
:My rain psp file
Open up your choosen image, re-size to a workable size approx 430 on the longest side.
Duplicate your image (shift + D), on your duplicate image, Image, Flip. Minimise for now.
Choose a dark color and a light color from your image, set as your foreground and background, it doesn't matter which way round they are.
Add a 3 pixel symmetric border in your dark color (Image, Add Borders)
Add a 3 pixel symmetric border in your light color
Add a 3 pixel symmetric border in your dark color
Add a 15 pixel symmetric border using your light color, with your magic wand settings below:
Select inside the border we just made. Flood fill with your dark color. We do it this way so it can be selected if you make the border with your dark you will select the new one and the previous one too.
DLayers, New Raster Layer
Go to your flipped image, Edit, Copy. Back to your selected border, Edit, Paste into selection
Effects, Plugins, find Plugin AB 08
(that is how it will be listed) wiremeshings unlimited, use the default settings of 6, 8, 4, 4, 53, 32
Change the blend mode of this layer to Screen.
You can now deselect, selections, none
Repeat step 4, adding 3, 3 pixel borders.
Add a 30 pixel symmetric border using your light color, select with your magic wand as in step 5.
Paste Into Selection (your flipped image should still be in your PSP memory)
While still selected, Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur set to radius of 5,
keep selected
Effects, Distortion Effects, Pixelate, symmetric checked and both boxes set to 8. Selections, none
Repeat step 5
Back to your flipped image, Image, Flip, so now it's the right way up again. Edit, Copy,
Back to your framed image, Edit, Paste as new layer. It should fit snuggly over the original image in the center.
Making sure your top layer is active, Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat. Add a new raster layer (layers, new raster layer). Rename your new layer Rain.
Duplicate your Rain layer twice giving you 3 Rain layers. Rename the 2 duplicates Rain 2 and Rain 3.
Your layer pallete should look like mine below:
On your backgorund layer, right click and Promote to Layer.
Activate your Rain layer, go to my rain as supplied and activate Rain 1 layer, Edit, Copy back to your frame image, Edit, paste into selection. DO NOT DESELECT.
Activate Rain 2 layer on your frame image, go to my rain, copy rain 2, back to frame and paste into selection. Repeat for rain 3 making sure you are on rain 3 layers. Once all 3 rain layers are done, you can deselect.
Grab your text tool and add any text you want to your image, make sure your text is BELOW your rain layers though.
Add your tagged by info and any copyright information needed.
Now close off Rain 2 & 3 (by clicking the eye on the layer next to it), Edit, copy merged
In animation shop, Paste as a new animation.
Back to PSP, close Rain 1 and un-hide 2, Edit, copy merged, over to animation shop, paste after current frame
Back to PSP, close off Rain 2 and un-hide Rain 3, Edit, copy merged, over to animation shop, paste after current frame. You will now have 3 frames in animation shop, save as a .gif file
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