Installing Brushes into PSP 8 thru 11 (Tutorial Contest)

fiona2412fiona2412 MemberNAT Warrior

Installing Bruhes

This tutorial was originally written by Fiona Pomfrett on January 19th 2005. It was modified and updated on October 16th 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial in coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial anywhere on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me HERE

For this tutorial you will need:
:PSP - Any Version
:My Brush

This tutorial is for installing and using brushes in PSP 8-11

This tutorial contains alot of screen shots in order to make it easier to understand, so please be patient while everything loads.

I have written this tutorial for the way I do things, I'm sure everybody has their own way and I'm not saying my way is the only way.

Firstly, create a new folder on your pc (I have mine in documents) Call it PSP Brushes or something similar so you relate it to your brushes.
Whenever you download a new brush, save it to this folder, or maybe make sub folders (I do) it makes it easier to find the brushes when you want to install them.

-:2:- Now I have provided a brush above for us to use in this tutorial. So unzip this brush to your folder ready for installing.

-:3:- Right now we've downloaded our brush; lets get it into psp
Go to File, Import and select Custom Brush

A box will pop up

Click Open and find the folder where we saved out brush/brushes
[img][/img[ Now when you have found the folder click on the brush name so its highlighted and click ok[/img]IB_04.jpg

Your original box will pop up again with the brush/brushes you selected in the left window

Click Add All, the brush/brushes will move to the right window

Now click ok and that's it brush installed

Well done, you have now installed your first brush/brushes

Continue to part 2 for how to use them :)
"I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams

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  • fiona2412fiona2412 Member NAT Warrior
    Part 2 - Using Brushes

    Open a new transparent canvas 400 x 400
    From here on, it's up to you exactly what you do, I'm just going to tell you what I did

    I floodfilled my canvas with a very light pink #F2E6EC

    Click on your paintbrush, at the top of your screen you will have a drop down menu and some options,

    Click on the drop down menu
    Find the @LollyPopDesigns_Rose_01 brush that we installed

    These are the settings that you should have after selecting the brush

    Change your foreground color, I used a darked pink #E483B1
    Place your brush over the canvas and click once

    That's it!!!

    You have now installed a brush and used it.....Well Done

    Here is the same brush, but with other added brushes and effects, play about, I found the best to learn is to play about
    "I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams

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