Blend Modes
This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on October 18th 2006.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.
Do not copy and paste this tutorial anywhere on the net.
Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden.
If you have any problems please contact me
Thanks to Martina, a lady from my tutorial testers group for inspiring me to write up this tutorial.
For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - Any Version
:Tube of your choice
Blend modes can make all the difference when creating an image in PSP. Each one of the 20 different layer effects can turn a beautiful creation into a stunning one.
This is not a tutorial as such more of an example of what can be acheived by changing the blend modes. I have included screen shots from PSP version XI (11) and version 7. If you are using a different version to the screenshots, it may appear slightly different
Open a new canvas 600 x 400, flood fill with a color of your choice, try to stay away from colors that are either very dark or very light, I used #F9C663
Copy and paste a tube of your choice as a new layer
Your layer palette will now be made up of 2 layers
The bottom layer is your color, the top layer is your tube
You will notice at the top of your layer palette, 3 options
In PSP 7, the 3 options are to the right on the layer palette
One = the opactiy of the layer, if you lower this your tube will get fainter
Two = this is your blend option, I will go into more detail about this in a minute
Three = This is a lock, if you add a drop shadow with shadow on new layer, (there is no option for shadow on a new layer in PSP 7) it will lock the drop shadow and tube together, if you want to unlock the 2 layers you simply click the lock option of both layers that are locked.
Tube with opacity lowered to 50 PSP XI
Tube with opacity lowered to 50 PSP 7
Tube and Drop Shadow Locked
Tube and Drop Shadow Unlocked
Now onto Blend options
To get the different blend modes up, you need to click where it says Normal (no.2)
These are all the different blend modes
Each one does something different, although in this example (this tube and background) some of them do not make a big difference
There are other instances that a blend mode that makes no difference here makes a big difference with a textured background and a patterned upper layer for example, or if you are using mists.
Continue to the next thread
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Below is the same tube on the same background, but each image will be using a different blend mode.
There is only on screen shot as the blend modes work the same way no matter what version you use
Hue (Legacy)
Saturation (Legacy)
Color (Legacy)
Luminance (Legacy)
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Hard Light
Soft Light
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