B*tch Desktop
This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on September 15th 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me
For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - Any Version
Images of your choice or mine
:Font of your choice
:Mura's Copies
Before we start I'd like to thank Jackie for spurring me on to write this tutorial, with a few hints dropped I've finally written it. It's quite a basic tutorial and I hope oiver the coming weeks to write a few more indepth tutorials. Also if you would like to see a full size version of what we are making today scoll to the bottom of the thread for a clickable link, made for Jackie as a thank you. This desktop is also available for download in the dekstop section of my site.
Now on to the tutorial
Open up a new canvas 1024 x 768 or 800 x 600 depending on your own desktop size. Flood fill with white, rename this layer background.
Add the 3 of the tubes each on new layers, resize 2 of them by 75%, which 2 is up to you
Line up the 2 resized tubes in the top left of your canvas, overlap them slightly
With your preset shape tool set to rectangle, settings as below,
foreground black, background null
Draw a rectangle around the two small tubes
Convert to raster
Drag the rectangle above the tube layers, hide the background and the big tube, merge, visible the other 2 smaller tubes and the rectangle
Duplicate the merged layer, hide the merged layer and working on the original,
Effects, Plugins, Mura's Copies
Lower the opactiy of this layer to about 50%
Unhide the dupilcated layer and add a drop shadow
Unhide the big tube and drag it to the top of the layer palette
Draw a rectangle around this tube as you did before HOWEVER, make the width 5 instead of 3 and make the box wider than the tube
Convert to raster
Using your magic wand click inside the rectangle, selections, modify, expand by 1 pixel
Add a new layer, move it below the tube and rectangle layer and floodfill with white
Deselect, add a drop shadow to your tube
Grab your text tool and select your font, I'm using Will & Grace, size 72, foreground null, background black
Type out your desired text
Place it at the top above the big tube, add a drop shadow
Add a 5 pixel black border, image, add borders, symetric checked
Add your tagged by info and any copyright, save as a jpg
All Done