Lips of an Angel
This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on October 18th 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me
This tutorial was written for Valorie, one of the lovely ladies at my tutorial testing group. Valorie emailed me and asked if I had any tutorials to match the song "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder which she couldn't get out of her head. After listening to the song and lyrics I decided to write a tutorial especially for Valorie as nothing I had written so far matched the words to this song. So Valorie, this one's for you
For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - Any Version
:Tube of your choice or mine (included in supplies)
:Font of your choice
:Image of your choice or mine (inlcuded in supplies)
:My Supplies
Here - also included are my psp. text files.
Open a new canvas 600 x 400, floodfill with #E6E0D8.
Add a new raster layer, Selections, Select All
Copy and paste the SXC image into selection
Change the blend mode to soft light
To change the blend mode, go to your layer palette and where it say's Normal click on the little arrow and select soft light
Selections, none
Copy and paste Giada_O'er_the_dreaming_lake as a new layer
Move the tube down and over to the left (see finished tag for refernce)
Adjust, Hue & Saturation, Colorize
Hue = 23 Saturation = 56
With your text tool, chose a script style font and add some words of your choice to the top right hand corner
Set your foreground color to null and your background to a dark color from the image
Add a drop shadow, I did:
Vertical & Horizontal = 1, Opacity = 75, Blur = 5, shadow on new layer = unchecked OR
Copy and paste the MainText as a new layer
Move into the top right hand corner
Change the blend mode to overlay
With your text tool, using the same settings add your name or another choice of words
Add the same drop shadow and place and the bottom of your tag
Copy and paste the lipsofanangel text as a new layer
Move to the bottom of your tag
Change the blend mode to overlay
Add your name in the same script style font
Position where you are happy with it
Change the blend mode to Overlay
Add your tagged by information, if you are using a copyright tube, add the artist's copyright too Lower the opacti to about 40
If you used the photo provided you need to add Image from SXC
Lower the opacti to about 40
Add a new rater layer
Selections, Select All, Modify, Contract by 4 pixels
Selections, invert
Floodfill the inverted area with a dark color I used #191815
All done, resize if you wish and save as a jpg
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial