Squared Out
This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on May 8th 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me
For this tutorial you will need:
:My Squared Out canvas
Here - contains selections in the alpha channel
:Tube of your choice
:Font of your choice, I used 911 Porcha
:Xero - Porcelain
@LollyPopDesigns_SquaredOut and a tube of your choice
Layers, new rater layer, load from Alpha Channel,
@lollypop_squared-out_1 selection and flood fill with a light color from your tube
Layers, new rater layer, load from Alpha Channel,
@lollypop_squared-out_2 selection and flood fill with a dark color from your tube
Making sure your dark layer is above your light layer, re-load
@lollypop_squared-out_1, selections invert and press delete, you will now have a nice border round your tube.
Selections, None
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer and resize so it fits snuggly in the box
With your magic wand select the outside of the border, selections, modify, expand by 2
Highlight your tube layer and press delete, this will get rid of any excess tube outide the box, selections, none
On your bottom layer which is empty flood fill with your light color
Remaning on your bottom layer, effects, texture effects, blinds
width = 5
opacity = 50
color set to your dark color
horizontal and Light from left/top both checked
Activate your top layer (which has your tube) duplicate your tube layer, Image, mirror
This next bit will depend on your choice of tube
-:9:-With your selection tool set to rectangle, add (shift) and feather set to 0, draw some selections round your duplicated tube, I did 3
Selection invert, press delete on your keyboard, Selection invert. DO NOT DE-SELECT
New layer flood fill with your light color, add another new layer, flood fill with your dark color. Keep Selected
Now selections contract by 2, press delete on your keyboard again you should have a nice black border
Selection, none
Activate your light color layer (the box one), layers, arrange move down
Back to your duplicated tube layer, Effects, plugins, Xero, porcelain
Softness 79
Strength = 200
Brightness = 150
Red channel = 0
Green channel - 0
Blue channel = 255
Repeat xero porcelain fron step 13 and then lower the opacity to 55
Close all layers apart from the 3 layers that make up the boxes, layers, merge visable
Layers, view, all
On the bottom layer, selections, all, modify, contract by 5, invert
new rater layer, floodfill with your dark color
selection, none
On your tube layer, duplicate, on the duplicate apply porcelain again, with the same settings drop the opacity of this layer to 70
Making sure your merged layer is active, apply your text
I used 911 Porcha size 48 with my dark & light colors, set to vector.
I placed it along the bottom and then using the nodes shrunk it in height
I then added a preset shape (unsure who made it sorry) placed it behind my merged layer and changed the blend mode to screen and lowered the opacity to 48
Play about with the tag to make it your own
Remember to add your copyright and that if the artist before saving your tag
Another example,I used xenofex 2 constellation to create the starry background, mura's copies for the name in the background and mirrored the box to give it a different look