Summer PSP (Tutorial Contest)

fiona2412fiona2412 MemberNAT Warrior


This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on June 5th 2006. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental. Do not copy and paste this tutorial any where on the net. Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden. If you have any problems please contact me HERE

For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - According to the girls & boys at PSS the selections on Summer~PSP~ canvas will work in any version. A huge Thank You to all at PSS who did this tutorial
:2 fonts of your choice
:Supplies HERE

Open Summer~PSP~ canvas, Summer-pattern, GirlTube and Sunflower in PSP. Minimise GirlTube and Sunflower for now.

On the Summer~PSP~ canvas, selections, select all. On the Summer-pattern, Edit, copy. Back to Summer~PSP~, Edit, paste Into Selection, selections, none. Rename background

Layers, new raster layer. Selections, Load/Save selection, load from alpha channel and load @lollypop_summer_03, set your foreground to the summer pattern. Floodfill the selection with the pattern

Selections, none, Image, mirror. Rename border

Activate your background layer, layers, new raster layer, load @lollypop_summer_01 selection (as in step 3) Floodfill with summer pattern. Rename Border 2

Load @lollypop_summer_02 selection, press delete on your keyboard once. Add another new raster layer, Layers, Arrange, move down, floodfill with your pattern. rename Fill 1

Selections. none. Duplicate your Border 2 layer, Image, flip, rename Border 3. Duplicate your Fill 1 layer, Image, flip, rename Fill 2

You should have something like this now

Activate Fill 1 layer, Edit, Copy, Edit, Paste as new Image

Grab your text tool, I'm using Futurist-Fixed-Width font, but arial will do the same job. Type out your name in capitals, size 36, create as vector checked. Have your summer pattern set to background and a dark color from your border as your foreground I'm using #f63368. Using the little nodes around your name stretch it out so it fits the area.

Objects, align, center in canvas. Convert to raster.

Using a script style font, type out your name again going over the one we just did.

I used International Palms, use the dark color for your background and turn your foreground off (set to null). Objects, Align, Centre in Canvas, convert to raster. Drop the opacity to around 57. Edit, Copy merged

Reload @lollypop_summer_02, make sure you are on Fill 1 layer, Edit, Paste into Selection. Selections, none

Activate Fill 2, and repeat steps 9 & 10. Lower the opacity on the back but this time to about 48.

Load @lollypop_summer_4, activate Fill 2 and Paste into Selection.

Your layers should be from the top
Border 3
Border 2
Fill 2
Fill 1

Activate your background layer, Paste your sunflower as a new layer, change the blend mode to Soft Light

With your sunflower layer still active, copy and paste your GirlTube as a new layer, place her so she's lying on your name at the bottom. See finished results

Activate your background layer again, Effects, Texture, Blinds with these settings:

Using the color #FDD8CC

*Optional* Remaining on your back layer add a new raster, and add some brushes. Don't make it too busy though

Add your tagged by info and any copyright and save as a Jpeg
"I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams

My Site
My Deviantart


  • Roo27Roo27 Beginner Link Clerk
    Wow Thanks that really helped! I'll be using that technique again sometime
  • xPureNLxxPureNLx Moderator The Royal RAM
    Nice girl =P

    Just kiddin' Fiona, nice tutorial, thank you =)

    - xPureNLx
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