Highest Post Count

rebelagentrebelagent Junior MemberShared Hoster
First one to 50 posts

Be the first to get 50 posts on off-life.com/forum.

Starts: December 26th, 2006
Ends: January 2nd, 2007 12pm -8 GMT

-No double posting
-No spam
-15 + words per reply or topic
-Must post at least 10 new threads
-Cannot have more than 2 posts in introduction
-Must register a new account and confirm email
-No adult content or advertising schemes such as viagra stuff

Link: http://www.off-life.com/forum


  • DeluxeNamesDeluxeNames Admin Administrator
    sounds like fun :)
    What is the prize for the winner?
  • omoiomoi Junior Member Shared Hoster
    Sounds cool but I think I saw this post a little too late to make it to 50. Ah well, I can always try, eh?
    Chou: butterfly...
    omoi: thought; mind; heart; feelings; emotion; sentiment; love; affection; desire; wish; hope; expectation; imagination; experience...
    chou omoi
  • xPureNLxxPureNLx Moderator The Royal RAM
    Hmmz, I really should get used to this... I was looking for the "moderator tools" button to close this thread, in other forums, this is considered advertising, which is strictly forbidden and causes a ban.

    Okay, okay, sorry about the above, I just woke up and I'm tired like... how should I say this... like me when I just wake up =P.

    Before participating: what is your forum about?

    - xPureNLx
    [B]MSN: xPureNLx@gmail.com[/B]
  • chiragchirag Member NAT Warrior
    Yea give some details abt ur forum and what is the prize?
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