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Welcome to HostBoards hosting discussion!
We strive to be a welcoming & safe community to industry veterans & hobbyists alike. We are known as the "many name" forum because we've had several names since our start in April 2004:,,
---- & now ----
Registered but don't recognize us? - You likely signed up under one of our previous names since 2004 when we were using vBulletin.
Your posts are missing? In 2018, we were hacked which destroyed several years of posts. Thus we're resurrected on Vanilla Forums
We are a shared community – a place to share skills, knowledge, and interests through ongoing conversation.
1) Treat others as you wish to be treated.
2) Don’t start a thread in the wrong category
3) Don’t create multiple threads for the same topic
4) Don’t spam
5) Use English as our language of discussion.
6) Flag posts and/or threads that you believe should be reviewed by staff
1) Slander or defame others without proof - it will be deleted.
2) Commit attacks for personal instead of topic-related reasons.
3) Engage in name-calling
4) Respond to a post’s tone instead of its content
The topics discussed here matter to us, and we want you to act as if they matter to you, too. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.
You should provide company information (where applicable) within your offer, and include your brand name/company name within the thread title. Please leave at least a week between offers to avoid suspension.
You do not need a provider tag to post offers. You’ll automatically be assigned a tag when you’re recognised as a reputable provider.
Administrators and moderators are responsible for this forum, but so are you. With your help, moderators can be community facilitators, not just janitors or police. If you see something that breaks the rules, flag it. Flags are taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner.
@DeluxeNames (Co-op Member/ Admin)
@Python (Co-op Member/ Admin)
@HostBend (Co-op Member / Admin)
@HostXNow (Co-op Member / Admin)
@Abytecurious (Admin)
@Jared Ritchey & @Jared (Admin)
@Nuvo (Forum Leader)
@skorupion (Moderator)
@Cloudmate (Moderator)
@boruto (Moderator)
@MGDesigns (Moderator)
@Katra (Moderator)
@xPureNLx (Moderator)
@tony (Moderator)
@pfgannon (Moderator)
@CannonBallGuy (Moderator)
Dave Mo - Former owner of one of the largest Webmaster Forums: "Webmaster-Talk"
@-rj- - Former Owner of with over 43,000 active members -
Thanks for being a Member of Host Boards!