What Tool Can Move a WIX.com Site Off WIX?

GOBGOB BeginerNAT Warrior

Hello, I recently built a WIX.com site that I really like. I found it to be only a test on how far I can go for my first try, but the more I worked on it, the more I have fallen In love with the creation and the profiling I did for my website.

So, I tried harder and looked further and found the problems with wix and their poor interaction with the customer. Their lack of freedom or creativity.

I was thinking of transferring the domain and building my own webpage. But I right now have no idea which is best for the website, as I don’t want to be shackled by mistakes made in the past.

I’m right now looking for a way to create and host my own webpage in an easy way.

I came over a post today on Reddit: http://reddit.com/r/webhosting/comments/j6xijc/how_to_transfer_wix_website_to_another_host/

It talks about transfering a WIX site and I wanted to see, if there are things, I need to consider to make this happen.

I’m not that knowledgeable about website creating or coding, but I’m quite interested in this topic so I need your advice please?


  • alicealice Link Clerk

    Hi if you are just starting to create your own website, WIX is a great tool. You can try to have their free account so you can see and run a trial and error. Learn to code on html and css. Give yourself a timeline. If you are confident, then start the paid option and buy your domain. Hope this helps. :)

  • MegMeg Link Clerk

    I think you'd be better off sticking with Wix for now. You know what they say, if it's not broken don't fix it.

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