Firstly, If its a Static Site, apply CloudFlare CDN on it which will make your website throughout the world. Next, Check GTmetrix which will give you an insight of which resources are loading slower and which needs minification. Thirdly, Check web page size, Limit to 1MB in all cases for best performance, Additionally, try to keep it 200-300KB only.
Use OpenLitespeed if your site gets too much traffic, Installing Caching plugins like WP-rocket(LScache in case of litespeed). Now You're all set for load time under 3sec.
Firstly, If its a Static Site, apply CloudFlare CDN on it which will make your website throughout the world. Next, Check GTmetrix which will give you an insight of which resources are loading slower and which needs minification. Thirdly, Check web page size, Limit to 1MB in all cases for best performance, Additionally, try to keep it 200-300KB only.
Use OpenLitespeed if your site gets too much traffic, Installing Caching plugins like WP-rocket(LScache in case of litespeed). Now You're all set for load time under 3sec.
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Ankesh Anand
LHY Technologies