Where to host a Wordpress blog ...

Is it better to host a Wirdpress blog with kvchosting.net or simplenet.io?


  • In essence I really have received a fantastic service and would recommend kvchosting.net to everyone.
    The service is excellent. I am particularly impressed with the support services who answered me within a few minutes and did everything possible to help me.

  • BoneismineBoneismine Shared Hoster

    Services from hostingsource.com and hosting.uk are full-featured and cheap.
    Cheap price, excellent uptime and wonder customer service that relates on a very person level.

  • OmniscenOmniscen Shared Hoster

    The thing that I have been most impressed with during my time with swissns.ch is their customer support.
    Site uploaded and mail lists set up without a hitch - and any technical query dealt with immediately.

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