Is there any reason to continue SSL on CloudFlare?

I have an application hosted on a DigitalOcean container, and I was securing it with a Let's Encrypt certificate.

Now, I've put my site on Cloudflare, and I can see visitors to my site are being served content over https using a certificate signed by them.

Is there any need now for me to continue maintaining the certificate between my server and Cloudflare?


  • yes. However, Cloudflare lets you use an origin certificate, which consists of a certificate and a private key that is valid for up to 15 years, and is only going to be trusted by Cloudflare itself. Read their docs.

    You most definitely want to keep all traffic encrypted in transit between your origin services and the Cloudflare network.

    if you sell products you must still have a certificate, cloudflare only encrypts part of the request, so its only really good if you want to show ppl theres https

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