As some of you may know I am wanting to redesign the Dev Dreams website. It currently lacks colour and deisgn and could be much, much better.
The task
You must create a single page layout which could possibly be used as the new site design for
The layout must meet the following specifications:
Overall width: 755px max
It must have 3 columns, one on each side for navigation and content section in the center(like the current design)
Easy to read and navigate
Note: There is no need to add content, just add temporary links and filler text.
So theres the basic guide to follow...the rest is up to you.
You must create it yourself or by help from others. You must not however simply download a previous template and take credit for it.
Upon submission you give permission for the staff of to use the template as we wish. You must also agree that we will officially own the template and all files included once submitted.
All entries must be sent in by the 15th September, 2004.
For every template submitted the applicant will receive 100 forum dollars. You can submit a maximum of 3 templates.
The winner of the competition will receive the following:
2000 forum dollars
0% withdrawal interest on their bank account
A link from the devdreams site on every page for 4 months
A link in the forum footer for 4 months
Entry into an upcoming competition where the prize is a domain of your choice.
A permanent link on the links page
So what are you waiting for? Submit your template by sending a PM to me, Python. Send me a compressed zip or rar file which contains all of the layouts files.
If you have any queries please PM me. Each time a submission is entered I will post a screenshot of it here.
Thanks & Good luck!
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all i need you to do is the actual page, one single page with no content. thats it
The Royal Ram
- My Portfolio Site
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- My Portfolio Site
- Webmaster Forums
The Royal Ram
- My Portfolio Site
- Webmaster Forums
Place it all into a table with a small black border around it
Align the design center
Make the navigation text smaller
there are some more things but I wont mention them. Would you mind sharing the html and graphics used so that I could give it a go customizing it a bit?
The Royal Ram
Changed a few things from the last one. I still don't like the banner, I haven't really worked on that much. the left nav section is more complete than the right side.
I like how you used the logo to put it into one of the gradient boxes.
Im not too sure on the vertical lines going down inbetween the navigation columns and the content
The Royal Ram
The Royal Ram
Got a particular color scheme in mind? Or will any colors do?
but if you wanna try something else feel free
The Royal Ram
I guess I can change the colours if you want...
Sorry it's such a poor image...
personally i dont like the header...
nice work
The Royal Ram
How would you like it? I can do flash...
As for the rest of te site, what about the colours? I can change the grey/s in about 3 seconds and the bluish thing behind the titles can be any colour you want...
i wouldnt use flash, a lot of people werent happy about the current flash header. stick to a graphic for the header if I was you.
The Royal Ram
also a couple of other modifications...i suck at graphics so ive got no chance doing the header.
The Royal Ram
remove the weird colours behing the navigation titles and content box titles
make all text same size (same as first content box)
change the colour of the links
make the bg of the boxes a slight ly darker
make the box title bg's darker, maybe use a gradient or something
smaller gap between the boxes, top and sides
change the header
thats all i can think of now
The Royal Ram
All text is (Or should be) 11pt, except the titles which are 13pt.
What colours would you like the links?
So, light text on dark bg?
What size gap between boxes? It is 10px at the moment.
What can I do to change the header?
the titles should be the same size as the text. the fact that they are bold makes them stand out enough.
same colour as the text, maybe slightly different
try 6px. see what it looks like.
i havent got a clue about the header
The Royal Ram
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I haven't changed the Header because i didn't know what to do with it...
And if you don't like the BG just give me a hex code for a colour that would be better...
Middle boxes too far up, and the rigfht ones even further up again...
Not exactly a lot I can do about it, unless you want it to work on Firefox and Camino, but not Safari and Shiira... Either way it's not good...
I guess I could use position:absolute, rather than relative...
But People keep telling me to use relative... lol
Up to you Python.