I can't make a table. I have phpMyadmin and I have tried but I can't do it and I don't especially want to learn... Can someone give me the code to do it please?
CBG, I think you'd just have to learn how to use the phpMyAdmin interface - unless you don't mind giving the ID/Password to someone to go in and create the table for you.
Yes, I could code the SQL command to create the table. Have you created the database yet?
1. Go to your admin panel and create the database.
2. Tell me the database name
3. Tell me the name of the host where the database is hosted
4. Tell me how many fields you want and their attributes (e.g. Field Name = "First Name", Type = "Text", Length = "20")
5. I'll send you the PHP that you can run against the database to create the table. However, you need to tell me the above (well, I can guess no. 4 from your html form).
This is the bit of the php file that connect to the database:
$q="INSERT INTO TABLE NAME (name,age,email) VALUES('$name','$age','$email')";
CBG, cut and paste the code below into a new file with a PHP extension - e.g. createtable.php. Load it up into you server and call it using a browser - e.g. http://www.yourdomain.com/createtable.php
Please fill in the blanks (e.g. <YOUR_DB_HOST>) before loading up to the server.
1. I've assumed that you only have 3 fields (email, name, age) and than all the fields are text with a maximum field length of 50 characters.
2. I've also assumed that email is the primary key.
3. I've assumed the table name of CBG_TABLE (Please modify this to be something more descriptive for your purpose).
It's actually very easy.
Could someone possibly code the database?
1. Go to your admin panel and create the database.
2. Tell me the database name
3. Tell me the name of the host where the database is hosted
4. Tell me how many fields you want and their attributes (e.g. Field Name = "First Name", Type = "Text", Length = "20")
5. I'll send you the PHP that you can run against the database to create the table. However, you need to tell me the above (well, I can guess no. 4 from your html form).
This is the bit of the php file that connect to the database:
That has everything...
Please fill in the blanks (e.g. <YOUR_DB_HOST>) before loading up to the server.
1. I've assumed that you only have 3 fields (email, name, age) and than all the fields are text with a maximum field length of 50 characters.
2. I've also assumed that email is the primary key.
3. I've assumed the table name of CBG_TABLE (Please modify this to be something more descriptive for your purpose).
Once you've create the table, in your process.php file, you should code the INSERT statement as follows:
Hope it works!