SEO affects of changing Business Domain Mid-stream?

Changing Domain Name - It won't match out business name... initially!

We currently have a have a business name with a matching domain name – (eg. Nucleotide Services with the domain name as many businesses do.

In the coming 6-12~ months, we are looking at rebranding. Business Name and domain name will change.

In the meantime, I was thinking of getting the domain name change out the way now - kind of like the first phase of the change.

The domain name still represents what we do/offer but it isn't an exact/or even a close match to our current business name. When the new brand/business name goes live, all will match (eg. New Business Name =

My concern though - is it wrong/bad practice to have a domain name that doesn't match the business name? Not really sure what the general 'rules/guidelines' are, if any?

From an SEO point of view, I can setup permanent 301 redirects that will redirect the old page etc to the new such as to - so I don't see this being a big problem. Google is usually pretty quick to catch these changes.

Any suggestions, thoughts, comments would be greatly appreciated. Not really sure what do to - should I wait to change the domain name or start getting it out there now and just drop the redesigned website/logo etc into place in 6


  • I think rebranding will be so good. It will change so many perspectives about it. Thanks

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