hey... basically... i'm a 15 year old girl from the Philippines. i have 2 horses named The General and Misty... some of you may know me (i'm registered in Student Forums and Forum City)... i am sorta obssessed with the internet... i've got a livejournal account, fanfiction.net account, fictionpress.com account, friendster account (DON'T ask!!!) and lots more...
Take most people, they're crazy about cars. I'd rather have a goddam horse. A horse is at least human, for godsake.
J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"
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The Royal Ram
have fun
y did u leave sf?
The Royal Ram
The Royal Ram
some1 contact her and ask her if she is still intersted in this site
i did not leave, i just went to Baguio, this place in the Philippines, for vacation coz my horses are here. i don't have a computer in my house so i have to go to a cafe and i don't have time to go.
Pixy, i left SF coz of those 2 annoying creeps.
oh yeah, please don't call me windblow, wb is fine. or windblown.
J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"
The Royal Ram
wat is sf guys
I would like to be back riding again.
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The Royal Ram
i'll be back for a few days, and then i'll be going back to my horses. just remember that if i don't post for a while, i'm with my horses.
J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"
I used to love riding, but that really put me off. That was when I was 11.
my sister's horse bit her, then beat her up, and but her again. she still has him and she "loves" him. i hate him. i never thought i could've hated another horse, but i do.
J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"
The Royal Ram
I prefer my PC, it doesn't have to be cleaned up after itself.
That would bother me. I can't stand the idea of cleaning up cr*p
we have 5 horses. i used to have a foal but he died.
my horse loves to run. ^^ im the only one who can stop him. fun fun! he's bisexual too.
J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"
never heard of a bi horse
my workers horse is a male and it can't get off with other horses anyway its d**K has been chooped off.
LOL. my horse likes the big boys today. he's a male. i just don't want him gelded. my mare needs to get pregnant again.
J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"
well your horse reminds of someone in my school but shes not on this forum but she owns one.
how much can you sell foals
must be balls then.
J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"
my worker told me that there quite expensive. i know loads of people with horses.
i don't like when they run 2 fast
i love it when my horse runs fast!! ^^ it just gets scary when he can't stop. we got him from the wild.
J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"
i like horses but i would'nt have time to take care of one.
plus im only a high school student.