Back to school

PythonPython Forum LeaderThe Royal RAM
This sucks. school started up again. and no a thursday aswell

ony of you young ones back in school today?

The Royal Ram


  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator

    School doesn't suck! Looking back, the best times of my life was when I was still studying - especially at University.

    I work 5 days a week - from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. When I'm on a project, I normally work till 9.00 pm or 10.00 pm. I only have about 15 days of leave in the entire f**king year.

    Trust me, I wish I was back at school - especially when my projects run into trouble and my boss is breathing down my neck!

    Again, my 2 cents worth...
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    well i suppose when your actually in school you cant stand it but then when you leave and start working - you wish you were back there(or better doing nothing and still getting paid)

    you must be running out of money soon - your always putting you 2 cents in, lol

    The Royal Ram

  • SEbasicSEbasic Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    Hehe. I had some pretty great times at school too. College was GREAT. I've never drank or smoked more in my life (Well, maybe at music festivals) :0)

    Anyway, enjoy it while you can.

    I had that line said to me 1000 times when I was at school. I just wish I had paid attention. Not to the work, but to the fun I was having.

    Anyway, It cant be all bad can it? At least you get to see all of your mates again.

    You'd better not forget this place though. ;)
    Rave it up.
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    well i suppose school and work in fact is good in some ways. i i hadnt gone to school i wouldnt know the people i do such as rallyfan(**reconsiders what i just said)

    but no dont worry i wont forget this place..I plan to keep this going as long as I can :)

    The Royal Ram

  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    well ive just finished college and start uni the end of the month, i wont lie i preferred college over school (you could spend loads of time in the pub :D with nice barmaides) anyway yea i still do actually miss school, when else do you get to spend 7 hours a day with your mates, ok you have to do a bit of work but your still with your mates when your doing it
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    Good for you Tony. Which University and what course?
  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    you gonna come and stalk me?

    multimedia and website developement at bolton although im contemplating doing a personal trainer course instead and keeping this as just a hobby
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    lol! Stalking you? I might just do that if you paid for my airfare half way across the world.

    Multimedia and website development sounds great! How's the job market in the UK like for web-related work?
  • SEbasicSEbasic Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server

    I managed to get in by a fluke.

    There are a lot of freelance developers out there (I used to be one), who just don't have a clue though.

    If you learn the trade well, I'm sure you can succeed.

    It will be tough though.
    Rave it up.
  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    you dont see as many jobs in the paper as you used to but i could always go the self employed route, or when you go uni on the 3rd year you do a work placement with a company for a year so i could always just try and keep the job with the company
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    tony wrote:
    but i could always go the self employed route

    lol - for a 20 year old maybe. When you have 2 kids and 2 mortgages to pay, tough luck. I'm in a brick and mortar company - don't think I'll have the opportunity to move on...
  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    2 mortgages?
    2 kids?!!!
    im 20 i dont want kids id end up locking them in a cupboard with a saucer of milk, if a cat can survive
  • ezdeeezdee Beginner Link Clerk
    i left school just last year and am missing it already. school is much better than working all day
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    :rolleyes: You must have a pretty large cupboard Tony...
  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    I don't go back untill Tuesday... :P
  • tntcheatstntcheats Senior Member The Royal RAM
    I don't go back to school until Tuesday or Wednesday either, CBG.
    I just kinda wish I could remember what I learned last year.

    The next two years are going to be very very tough for me. I'll be going to a school that allows me to take both Highschool and College courses, which allows me to get two years of college free, and the third year is paid for by my mandatory work experience. It'll be tough at hell, but I'm sure I'll love it. And afterwards, I'll probably see if I'm able to get into the Musicians Institute; it's the music University that my guitar teacher went to. So I'll be able to enjoy 1 year of college (there are 3 years for this: one year in a real college college, and 2 in the highschool/college) and then maybe some time in University if everything works out. Which I really hope it will.

    Good luck in the school year to all of you.
    I personally won't need it cause I'm a genious ;) (it's sarcasm: I know it's genius).

    I just hope next year's more challenging than last year, and that it's not too hard either. :)
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    well like i said i went back yesterday, and today in english - I was given 4 bits of courseowkr i have to sucks. and since im in my last year, i know i have to acually work this time round

    The Royal Ram

  • SEbasicSEbasic Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    I would agree, but all I can say, is enjoy it. GCSE's aren't the be all and end all. As long as you get 5 you'll be fine. No one ever ask's what grades I actually got in GCSE's, so when they ask I tell them that I got 10 (Only 5 of them were C+ but technically I actually passed 10) ;)
    Rave it up.
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    yeah we keep on being told to aim for a minimum of 5 c's or above.
    i know this was mentioned in another topic but what are collegge courses like for webdesign? I meam are there courses available which teach PHP etc?

    The Royal Ram

  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    just make sure you get maths and english and you wll probably want a ocmputer course anything else is useless
  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    What if you suck at Maths or english or both? lol
    Im not saying I do. I'm good at Maths... but I do suck at english...
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    i was just looking at a nearby college near me(on their website). it said that theyve got things like GNVQ courses where you need a minimum of 4 c grades or above.

    There are also other courses. The best one there is part time(not really what im after). It teaches you about software, hardware, operating systems and all the other basic stuff. And then it goes on to webdesign and programming...

    What about online courses? Are they any good?

    The Royal Ram

  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    i got 5 Cs 2 of which were in science and 2 were in ICT the other was spanish i think the rest were Ds and Es
    it doesnt matter cos i got enough to get on the course i wanted at college and then i did better there and got enough to get a place at uni
    and i dont need maths or english for the job i want to do BUT it does effect you when trying to just get a part time job or even a full time 1 to keep you in the money until you get a job you want, even customer service jobs they say you need english and /or maths
  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    I'll probably get a C in English...
    And I know they say the average is 5 C's... but Ive been broght up always thinking that A's are good... B's are acceptable and C's - you need to try harder...
    I guess i'm quite smart and both the High schools I ahve been in are Private so they ahve some real geniuses...
    I know im crap at English but I'de still like to get a B...
    Maths I want to get an A or better, the same in ICT, RS, Physics and DT...
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    I havent got a clue what ill probably get, but I do know is im gonna revise like crazy before the exmas.

    The Royal Ram

  • pfgannonpfgannon Moderator Administrator
    Thats how i thought of grades as well CBG...
    but i get C's anyway :)

    I started on the 30th and i hate it already...I'm going to be very lazy this year.

    and tntcheats its spelled genius ;)
    I know, I know...I fell for it a few weeks ago
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    GCSE? Just aim to have enough to get to continue to do you A Levels and then a tertiary education.

    Most job interviewers don't even want to glance at GCSE results.
  • SEbasicSEbasic Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    The OU have some pretty good web development / PRomotion courses.

    I'm taking a look at them for myself. I don't NEED a qualification, but it would be nice to have one.
    Rave it up.
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    the OU? You mean open university?

    Ive seen their advert on tv loads fo times - They have microsoft certification, lol

    The Royal Ram

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