Google PR and PHP

dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss''Administrator

I'm about to launch a new blog using Wordpress. Most of you would know that Wordpress is a blogging tool using PHP. The content is stored in a database. As such, the content would be considered as dynamic content.

Would this b a problem for Google to crawl and assign a Page Rank for my site? I'm not sure if mod_rewrite is installed nor do I know how to install it. I've not contacted my host yet.

Any comments?


  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    google will struggle to crawl your site only if the urls are things like file.php?s=5&id=542

    It cannot crawl links with '&' and '?' in it. Mod_rewrite will solve this problem. If you wish to get crawled you should deffinately use mod_rewrite

    The Royal Ram

  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    I've asked this question before but have not gotten definite answers. How do I use mod_rewrite? Can I install it myself? If so, where do I can a copy?
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    im not an expert at it neither.

    from what I know it can be done serverwide by edditing the servers conf file but this probably isnt available to you.

    the other way is per directory - this is by using a .htaccess file to rewrite the urls. I dont know the format of it so I cant say although you might be able to find out by doing a search on google or visit

    The Royal Ram

  • cptnwinkycptnwinky Junior Member Shared Hoster
    Google will crawl sites with dynamic addresses. Its a myth that it does not. Some other smaller engines will not and I would not worry too much about them.

    Either way, here is a good article written by Chroder over at WMT..
    This is exactly what he has done to his wordpress blog so its sure to work with yours.
    PM me for small freelance php jobs.
    I have never been too needy but I lost my job due to the company shutting down our location. I just had a child and live in a pretty depressed area at the moment. I need some freelance work fairly bad.
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    Thanks captain. Good article - I'll have a try.

    Btw, I've confirmed with my host that mod_rewrite is installed server-wide. Do I need to do anything on my side to activate it? How would I know if it already works? Any tips or tricks?
  • cptnwinkycptnwinky Junior Member Shared Hoster
    You only have to be able to use a .htaccess file and have a good understanding of Regex.
    PM me for small freelance php jobs.
    I have never been too needy but I lost my job due to the company shutting down our location. I just had a child and live in a pretty depressed area at the moment. I need some freelance work fairly bad.
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    Is that a Yes or a No? Do I still have to do anything since mod_rewrite has been installed server-wide.
  • cptnwinkycptnwinky Junior Member Shared Hoster
    PM me for small freelance php jobs.
    I have never been too needy but I lost my job due to the company shutting down our location. I just had a child and live in a pretty depressed area at the moment. I need some freelance work fairly bad.
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    Thanks. From what I gather, it seems that I need to do some configuring.

    Looks like I have some reading and testing to do tonight.
  • cptnwinkycptnwinky Junior Member Shared Hoster
    Not to mod_rewrite. You only need to turn it on for your site in your .htaccess file and then create rewrite rules.
    PM me for small freelance php jobs.
    I have never been too needy but I lost my job due to the company shutting down our location. I just had a child and live in a pretty depressed area at the moment. I need some freelance work fairly bad.
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