Has anyone heard about this?
Its a bit like google but people bid to advertise on your site
the minimum thy can bid is $0.01 so in theoriy you could be waiting a long time before you get proper money, although if you have more then 1 company they will be bidding against each other and the highest bid gets advertised on your site.
They pay out at $25 which seems alrite but i reckon it could take longer to get that amount than the $100 on google .
Anyway, id appreciate some feedback if anyone has heard of them.
but if you dont then go with adsense where you get a garuanteed amount per clicks etc...
We pay monthly, either by check with a minimum of US $25, or instantly through PayPal with a minimum of only $10.
paypal $10 which is good news for alot of people i bet
This is a nice find i think im gonna give them a shot
The Royal Ram