Top 3 main cloud hosting service providers in India?

1. AWS
For its diversified clientele, AWS also provides a variety of SaaS and PaaS products. Using machine learning, artificial intelligence, and advanced analytics, Amazon Web Services offers a wide range of functions. Peak scalability, security, and dependability are advantages that users can take use of.

2. Ace Public Cloud
Ace Public Cloud is one of the leading cloud service provider. They offer compute, network, storage, GPU, firewall and database services at a very nominal pricing. Compared to all the other options mentioned, Ace Public Cloud is the most economical.

3. Digital Ocean
Digital Ocean offers powerful infrastructure as a service features and agile server configuration. It is used to host applications and websites at a low cost. The level of dependability and scalability that Digital Ocean provides for users improves the results of application deployment. It provides Droplets, which are Linux virtual machines hosted on virtual machines.

Other mentions: Google cloud, VLCC, CTRLS, EDIS, ApnaCloud, etc


  • LocktropistLocktropist NAT Warrior

    Why not give hosting a try?
    This host has great, timely support. They will go as far as to recommend other providers and solutions.

  • I always look for a few things: reliability, support/knowledge, price - you get what you pay for really.

  • TapiocaTapioca NAT Warrior

    Must say that service provided is excellent, including software provided, and personal customer support.

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