Looking for a host that can grow with my site

I'm launching a WordPress site next month that I believe will grow faster than expected. I'm not sure what's the best choice for hosting. I currently have a VPS host (who I really like as a host - they're local with killer support) and I'm not sure if that's the best route or not. My current VPS (2gb ram) has multiple failures a day with automatic restarts. It's hosting a one multisite install (with 3 active subsites, 4-5 inactive subsites and less than 100 visitors a day total on average), a second site with 60-70 visitors a day and 2 other sites that are lucky to get one visitor a day. The failures have me concerned that 1 site 300-500 members and 1000 hits a day will need a lot more resource-wise than what I have now. I don't think that there's that huge a load on it (though maybe the multisite is a resource hog?). So I'm really not sure which way to go - and perhaps it's because I don't understand hosting that well. A distributed grid sounds cool, but does it work in practice? Is eventually getting a dedicated server unavoidable? What the hell do sites that have a lot of members and traffic do?

What can you say about ZakServers.com bitcoin dedicated servers for rent hosting? Any reviews? Other hosts?
All advice will be appreciated - I'm planning on launching my site, I need to get this squared away ASAP. Thanks!


  • LegobumLegobum Link Clerk

    It has been more than a year since I have been with ZakServers.com offshore server hosting and I can definitely say that they are the most professional, understanding and hard-working host I've ever come across from my years of experience developing websites.

    They do accept bitcoin as payment method.

  • m2hostm2host Shared Hoster

    M2Host is the best web hosting provider. Our plans are affordable and reliable. It includes services like 24/7 customer support, choice of operating system, free migration, and more. For more information, please visit our website.

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