Kid Poll

ForgeForge Senior MemberThe Royal RAM
Hey all, Im pretty sure im the youngest here, and i was wondering something...

If i wrote a script for say something like A forum, would you use it knowing i was a kid? I try keeping my age a secret because people dont exactly like having a kid teach them how to do something.
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  • summoner49summoner49 Member NAT Warrior
    Um, I'm still a minor too. I don't judge people by their age anymore, too many kids out there just like us.
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    I am many times older than you and am earning many, many times your allowance. I wouldn't mind paying you for doing work - if there is quality.

    I would try to get a better price off you though - if I knew that you were only 13.

    I would say that your work is very good for a thirteen year old - not qualified though for the commercial work that I do. However, you should be able to get by in the these forum circles.
  • tntcheatstntcheats Senior Member The Royal RAM
    It's best not to disclose your age. You'll get a lot more people purchasing from you if they believe you're a 30 year old. I knew a guy who didn't have PHP knowledge or anything and he called upon the help of me for a logo design job (for being shown on billboard ads, bus ads, etc.) and another guy for a PHP job (backend for a golf site) and the guy thought that he was a 32-year-old PHP master who designed logos, had good javascript and ASP knowledge and could do all of these things at the same time while talking to him. All well.
  • ForgeForge Senior Member The Royal RAM
    Thanks, I will take in this advantage. But im very happy to say that i got my first real time web design job. And its not just some slow site that gets no hits... Its my school site. Im designing and coding the whole damn thing, so i may be posting a little slower guy...
    Can fat people Go skinny Dipping?
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    Good for you - you must be a leading web guy in your school then?
  • ForgeForge Senior Member The Royal RAM
    I guess so, It was open house and some guy had a lot of computer toys to mess around with, of course.. I could not help myself, and then i went on my site trying intel centrino technology (which i was impressed by) and the tech guy came over and saw it and asked what site it was. I told him, and conversation started to happen then all the staff members started coming up to me asking me questions, things like that...
    Can fat people Go skinny Dipping?
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