outpost gamers

Heres the new site i told you guys about. Its just the begginning, but enough to show ya guys.

Please leave feedback!
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  • summoner49summoner49 Member NAT Warrior
    Sorry, but I'm not much for the top left navagation.... or is that temporary?
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    Same comments as before - too dark... but it's a gaming site, so I guess it's OK.
  • ForgeForge Senior Member The Royal RAM
    What can I say, Im a Dark Person... Mwhahaha. Other than the colors though, What else can you say about it? Design good, Bad? And yah, I got ragged about the top-left navigation. Im fixing it right after i post this.

    And because of the top redesign, i had to make ANOTHER header. I would post it, But the uploader has an error, you may want to fix it python!
    Can fat people Go skinny Dipping?
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    the uploader has an error? hmmm. what error message did you get?

    The Royal Ram

  • ForgeForge Senior Member The Royal RAM
    It cant move he uploaded file for some reason, the PHP move_uploaded($file) thingy is all screwed. Try yourself.
    Can fat people Go skinny Dipping?
  • summoner49summoner49 Member NAT Warrior
    The " - Welcome To Outpostgamers.com -" looks like a link... that can be annoying...

    Besides that, I guess you tried to make the banner look in bad quality on the top left, so no comments there.

    Most game sites have the same feel though, heres mine:
  • ForgeForge Senior Member The Royal RAM
    Ok, Ill fix that, I never thought of it like that. Now to find the right color.

    Also, I installed the forum and edited to what i wanted, colors. Things like that, check it out...


    I think its pretty cool
    Can fat people Go skinny Dipping?
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