Anyone make their own shopping carts?

deadfingersdeadfingers Senior MemberThe Royal RAM
Ok well im gonna be making a site wit a shopping cart but i dont want to use a PayPal one or any premade ones like that, i know carts involve PHP and database knowledge but i wanted to know if i should take this on myself or if i should try to modify an already made cart thanx! Ps. i have no knowledge of PHP or databases


  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    alright yeah, but say i need to mod it so that it can handle 2 accounts at once? thats why i want to know how to make them. are there any u know of that i could use? besides the Paypal ones. has anyone here made their own?
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    what exactly do you mean handly 2 accounts at once?

    The Royal Ram

  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    ok well, heh alright im making this site for this guy but we wanted to sell a site to him but he had someone making one for him. he told us if we made him another site wit an online store for free hed give us 25%+ on each item sold so we agreed. so i need to know how to make a cart that will send 25% of every sale to my account and the rest 75 or 80% into his account. I contacted Paypal and they told me they had no such thing and that i would need to either tell their "programmers" about the idea or to have a third party make one like that, so pretty much i have to make one custom
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    hmm, yeah that will almost deffinately need one made custom

    The Royal Ram

  • thirdwebthirdweb Beginner Link Clerk
    Does the sale have to be split up right as soon as someone makes the purchase? Perhaps it would be easier to have the shopping cart run one account and then I'm sure a script or something could be made to automatically send a percentage to you.

    It just seems like customizing a shopping cart is going to be a little expensive and trying it on your own could take a good amount of time. There's got to be an easier way to do it, tons of companies have affiliates that work along the same guidelines. Perhaps search for affiliate scripts or contact someone who runs something similar to what are trying to do. Programming isn't my area, I just think there's an easier way since people do it all the time. Keep us posted on what you find out or decide.

    ThirdWeb Solutions:
    Digital Multimedia
  • ArestiaArestia Member NAT Warrior
    i would develop a contract and have him sign it so that the money goes into his account in full and then like biweekly he can cut you a check.

    Arestia Design Studios / Synapse Corporate Solutions
    Daniel L. Rust - Lead Architect
    Seattle, WA
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    Arestia wrote:
    i would develop a contract and have him sign it so that the money goes into his account in full and then like biweekly he can cut you a check.

    thats exactly what we were thinking of doing, but still theres uncertaincy, sure theres a contract but contracts can be broken and what not and we dont want to go through all those hassels. we were thinking of making a contract that way but how would we keep track of how much sales is being made? is the a script for this? and yeah maybe there is a script for what i want to do maybe ill look for one but so far a contract seems bout the best thing to do thanx guys. :)
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    A contract would only work if its enforceable - in this case, if it's worth enforcing - i.e. if the $$$ values are large enough. Otherwise, I'd try my level best to get a cut as early in front as possible.

    It also depends on whether you trust the guy.
  • ArestiaArestia Member NAT Warrior
    if you have control over the deisgn and the hosting of the site then you should be able to track his sales just to make sure he is being acurate

    Arestia Design Studios / Synapse Corporate Solutions
    Daniel L. Rust - Lead Architect
    Seattle, WA
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    yeah Arestia thats exactly how we will be in charge, we plan on designing the site, well me, and were gonna host it on our own wit out them being able to get into it. and as for the contract and being worth it believe me its worth it. heres his other online store but as u can see it isnt very well put out, it cost the guy a good 8 grand. now i dunno bout u guys but for 8 grand id expect better, so if i make one its gonna be flash. but anyways this guy makes big time cash, he sells authentic military/police/hunting equipment. the government buys the stuff from them to give to the cops and military and etc, last month he said he sold 7 million in bullet proof vest, his store is very nice as well. so yeah 25% of that is a good 200,000 or 250,000 so yeah that was one sale. oh and btw this guy sells in bulk so thats why he gets a lot at once. hes a distributor so yeah. heh ok i should stop talking now.
  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    EIDT: "heh ok i should stop boasting now.". :P hehe. Good Luck!
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    LMAO ok yeah heheh lol i didnt mean to "boast" cuz im no expert or anything lol, btw u misspelled edit heh ;)
  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    Awww SHUDUP! lol
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    200,000? You better get running to those damned lawyer right now sonny. And make sure you read the fineprint yourself.
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